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It’s a fun fact that octopus, squid, and crustaceans have blue blood due to a high concentration of copper in their circulatory system. However, this...
Fake news didn't start with Donald Trump; it started with wasabi. 99% of the “wasabi” we eat with our sushi in the US isn’t “Wasabia japonica” but...
Did you know that not all ants live in anthills? “Weaver ants” live in the treetops across Asia, Australia, and Africa. Instead of digging holes, they...
Many new planets are discovered every year, but there is one astronomical marvel I’d like to share today. On the surface, Gliese 436b appears to be a...
Do you know why many buildings on the canals of Amsterdam have hooks protruding from the facades at roof-height? Did you know that many buildings in...